

Click image I have surveyed among people with various subjective questions in order to exclude preconceived opinions and could get more precise answer. Questions were based on every sector of my research including, preference of sports, packaging, and so on. Surveys are intended to ensure the fairness and equality among consumers.
I distributed a 10 questions of questionnaire to participants who did not have any information about my project through the e-mail and I have received 32 of answers from them.

Discussion 08/05/2009 with 6 of peer students - Before made the questionnaire, I discussed people who are doing fashion design, product design, interior design and graphic design also they can be my target audiance age group and then I made the questionnaire with their opinions. In this discussion, i could get a better understanding of what they think about sportswear and to reflect it into my product.

The Questionnaires would raise the confidence level of my arguments and more certainty on my research.